Many times, in a relationship, we expect for things to be fine if everyone involved is working hard, bills are paid, and the kids have everything that they need to be successful. All these things are very important and needed…
Read MoreHave you ever asked yourself, “God, what’s wrong with me, what’s the reason that I can’t find love?” Or stated, “God I have prayed for my spouse to better understand me or to make our communication better, but it seems…
Read MoreDid you know that when you write something down that you are twice as likely to make it happen? Research has shown that individuals with written goals achieved approximately 50% more of their goals than those without written goals. Goals…
Read MoreHave you asked yourself, “How did I end up staying in a relationship so long and wasting so much time?” Do you sometimes wonder, “Is my picker messed up or is it even working?” Have you given up on finding…
Read MoreRelationships are constantly in a state of transition, continually moving from one season to another. Sometimes couples find themselves in the winter season feeling discouraged, detached, and dissatisfied; other times they experience springtime with its openness, hope and anticipation. On…
Read MoreAre you aware that most of your disappointments in life and relationships involve an unmet expectation? Expectations about love and marriage have a powerful impact on your relationships. To a large degree, you will be disappointed or happy and fulfilled…
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